How we helped The Thinking Schools Academy Trust achieve Cyber Essentials

The Thinking Schools Academy Trust is one of the UK’s largest Multi Academy Trusts, with over 30 schools within the academy. With thousands of users across their schools, Hubtel IT has provided compliance monitoring for all devices alongside Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus audits and certification.
When one of the UK’s largest MATs asked Hubtel IT to help them achieve Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essential Plus accreditation, Hubtel IT were delighted to help.
The Thinking Schools Academy Trust consists of over 20 schools and required a technology led approach to audit their infrastructure for compliance with the standards required for Cyber Essentials. Hubtel IT provided such a solution and delivered this alongside a consultative approach and the Trust achieved certification within just 2 months and on the first time of submission. The Trust’s already robust security has been further improved, thanks to the assistance of Hubtel IT and their staff experienced in Cyber Essentials compliance and certification