Do you know your CLIP from your CLOP?

There are many acronyms used in the telecoms and IT industry and our old favourites are the soon to be redundant CLIP and CLOP. A possible contender for the favourite spot is WYSIWYG (pronounced wizziwig). Here are a few other common acronyms explained…
VOIP – Voice over Internet Protocol; calls made over the internet.
FTTC/P – Fibre to the Cabinet/Premises; does what it says on the tin!
PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network; the old telephone legacy network.
CLIP – Calling Line Inbound Presentation; see who’s calling you.
CLOP – Calling Line Outbound Presentation; lets the recipient see your number.
CLI – Calling Line Identity; your telephone number.
DNS – Domain Name Server; this can help recognise an IP address used by a domain name.
FTP – File Transport Protocol; moving files between computers using the Internet.
CPU – Central Processing Unit; this is like the computer’s brain.
WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get; an interface that enables the end result to be similar to what’s in progress.
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