We are Cyber Essentials+ accredited!

If you watched our vlog on 20th April then you’ll know that we became Cyber Essentials accredited in back in April. We’re now delighted to announce that we have taken this one step further by becoming Cyber Essentials Plus accredited. This is the highest level of certification under the Cyber Essentials scheme and it means we’ve undergone a more vigorous test of our cyber security.
All organisations – from schools to SMEs – who use IT should not under estimate the threat of cyber crime. Remote working, cloud-based systems and now the war in the Ukraine are all factors that have increased the amount of cyber crime being committed. Because it’s usually only large corporations that make the headlines other people think they are unlikely to be a target. Wrong; the reality is that cyber criminals will go after SMEs and schools because they are more likely to have vulnerabilities so they’re a quick and easy target. This type of cyber crime may be less lucrative but there’s lots of it; by casting the net wide, someone will always take the bait.
Here’s why you should become Cyber Essentials accredited:
- To become cyber resilient
- If you are bidding for Government contracts, some may require it
- It’s good for business; stand out from your competitors and reassure your clients that you’re cyber secure
- Win new clients on the back of Cyber Essentials
- Understand your IT capabilities – be in control
If you’re considering becoming accredited, please don’t be concerned that Cyber Essentials is complicated or expensive, it doesn’t have to be either. Get in touch with our IT support Birmingham team here at Hubtel IT if you have any questions or would like any more information. We’re always happy to help.