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End of life for Office 2010 – what you need to know at a glance

June 29, 2020
5 min read

Microsoft have announced that support for Office 2010 will cease on 13 October 2020. Whilst your PC will still work, the major downside to the cessation is that you will be at increased risk of security breaches once Microsoft stop issuing security updates and fixes.

We would recommend you upgrade to Microsoft Office 365 to future-proof your business’s IT infrastructure. The great benefit to Office 365 – which so many employees have enjoyed since enforced working from home – is that your emails and Office applications are accessible from anywhere. All you need is an internet connection and you are able to work from your location of choice.

If you would like to know more about Microsoft Office 365, or about our IT services Birmingham, please call us on 01675 437307 and we’d be happy to chat though your options.

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